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Articona, Bechtle. Naming. Branding. Identity. Print. Concept. Design. Packaging. Bechtle is the leading IT supplier for both the business market and the public sector. From notebook to workplace. From printer cable to multifunctional. And from server to Dynamic...
Energy Navigator.

Energy Navigator.

Energy Navigator. Digital. Concept. UX & UI Design. The Energy Navigator is intelligent software that offers maximum insight into energy saving possibilities for commercial real estate, based on smart and self-developed algorithms, with minimal input to data. The...
Rob Stassen.

Rob Stassen.

Rob Stassen. Digital. Concept. Design. Development. Rob Stassen Woninginrichting offers customized interior advice through a wide range of top brands and quality products and gives advice on color and material use. We recently renewed the website. Less text, more...


e-nolis. Naming. Branding. Identity. Print. Digital. Concept. Design. Development. E-nolis is an independent operating company on the TU / e campus in Eindhoven, which originates from ENGIE and develops intelligent software for the built environment. The starting...


Where@. Digital. Concept. Design. Copy. Let’s get the party started! The Where @ app lets you keep track of parties or events in your immediate vicinity. You can let your friends know at which party or event you are, invite them to come, share your party pics...